How to Change Email ID in Google Pay

Thanks to the evolution of tech, the use of online transactions has increased and GPay handles the security concerns while enabling fast transfers, purchases, and bill payments. When signing up for GPay, an email address is assigned to the account as a form of notification. This email may need to be changed for security reasons, because of job changes, and other reasons.

In this article, we will help you understand the method for changing your Google Pay email from a browser, iOS or Android. We will also address some frequently asked questions and provide you with practical email update steps.

Why Change Your Email Address in Google Pay?

There are a variety of reasons as to why one would want to change the email associated with their Google Pay Account, but first, let us look at how to do that.

  1. Going Professional: Email Migration

More often than not, people are frequently changing their Email Accounts for Professional and Personal reasons, in such cases, it is imperative to update the Email within Google Pay accordingly. All relevant alerts and notifications can then be easily sent to the desired email of choice.

  1. . Security Concerns

It is critically important to maintain a secure and private environment when dealing with online transactions. In the case where your Google Pay account is compromised or your email address is at risk, updating the email address is the logical solution to ensure the security of your account.

  1. You Are Unable To Access Your Original Email Address

For a variety of reasons, such as changing the password or canceling the service, people sometimes lose access to their previous email accounts. In such cases where the email is no longer accessible, updating the Google Pay email becomes critically important in order in order to continue to use the application without any unwanted interruptions.

  1. Updating Contact Information

Over time, people change their email addresses for convenience or new work-related reasons. Updating your email ensures all communication, including transaction history and notifications, is delivered to your new email.

Things You Need to Know Before Changing Your Email ID

Changing the email account attached to your Google Pay comes with its own set of challenges, here are The things that you need to take into account:

  1. Your Email Is Linked To Your Google Account You should know that your Google Pay email is tied to the email of your Google Account. You will not be able to use any other associated account with Gmail, Google Drive, or YouTube without syncing the email.
  2. Your Account’s History Will Remain Unaffected If your main concern is the history of your Google Pay account, the contacts saved, or even the payment methods saved there, you should rest assured because all of that information is linked with your Google account and not the email address.
  3. Ensure Account Recovery Links are Available If you are unable to access your Google account, ensure that account recovery links are up to date. Update your alternate email and give your phone number as an option if you lose access to your email account.
  4. Patience Will Be Required You may experience several delays before all the platforms are synced together with the changes. The updated information with respect to your Google Pay App may take between 24-48 hours.

How to Change Your Email ID in Google Pay

Change Your Email ID in Google Pay

Google Pay does not provide an option to change your email address. But you can change your email in two ways:

Change Email by Creating a New Google Pay Account

This method works for you if you are willing to get a new email address along with a new account for Google Pay.


  1. Start Google Pay: Head to Google Pay on your iPhone or Android phone first.
  2. Sign Out of Your Current Account: Click your profile icon in the top right corner and choose ‘Sign Out’.
  3. Login With New Google Account: You will be logged out and taken back to the login screen so please introduce the credentials for a different Google account that has the new email associated with it.
  4. Create A New Google Pay Account: After logging in, follow the respective steps to create a Google Pay account including adding your payment information and altering necessary information.
  5. Transaction History: This approach does bring about a completely new account meaning you lose any previous transaction history, contacts, rewards, and other such data to start anew.

Change the Registered Email of the Underlying Google Account Linked with Google Pay

It allows you to edit the email address tied to your Google Pay account. This can be done with accounts other than Gmail (for example Outlook, Yahoo, or a custom email account).


  1. Open the Google or Gmail App: Go to the app on your device and open Google or Gmail.
  2. Go to Google Account Settings: Tap your profile picture in the top right corner and select ‘Manage Your Google Account’.
  3. Navigate to ‘Personal Info’: In the account settings for Google go to the ‘Personal Info’ tab.
  4. Change Email Address: Under ‘Contact Info’, select your email ID. If your account does not have an address ending with, there will be a change option. Type a new email address and confirm it.
  5. Verify Your Email: An OTP will be sent to the new email address that you wish to change. Use the OTP to validate the email.

Updating Your Profile Information On Google Pay

Google Pay allows its users to change their profile picture and their contact number. This feature is excellent for ensuring that the payment address details stand correct and is quite helpful for personalization of sorts.

Changing Profile Picture

  1. Open the Google Pay app and tap on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  2. Go to Settings and select ‘Personal Info’ from the expanded menu.
  3. Click on the edit icon, which is adjacent to the picture you currently have, and select a new picture from your device or click a new picture to upload.

Updating Your Phone Number

  1. Open Google Pay and go to Settings.
  2. Under ‘Personal Info’, tap edit next to your phone number.
  3. Enter the new number and verify it using the OTP sent to the new phone number.

How to Add an Alternate Email Address in Google Pay

If you want to keep the original email address unchanged, but still need an alternative address for receiving notifications, Google permits adding an alternate email to your existing Google account


  1. Open the Google App: Launch either the Google App or Gmail App on your mobile device.
  2. Manage Google account: Select your profile image and then tap ‘Manage Your Google Account’.
  3. Add an alternate email: Go to ‘Personal Information’ then Select ‘Email’ then select ‘Add Alternate Email
  4. Verify the email: Type on the alternate email and verify it using the OTP.

Also Read: How to Use GPay Without a Bank Account?

How to Check and Confirm Your Email Changes in Google Pay

After updating your email, you may want to verify that everything is in order.


  1. Open the Google Pay App: Open the Google Pay application on the device you have.
  2. Verify Your Details: Tap on your account icon and access Settings. Find the ‘Personal Information’ tab, it should display your new email address.

Common Issues When Changing Your Google Pay Email

Changing the email address associated with your Google Pay account is not that hard. But, you might come across the following problems:

  • Email Cannot Be Changed: If you are trying to change a Gmail account to a non-Gmail account, yeah Google Pay does not let you make that an account change.
  • Email Remains Old: In case the new email is not visible on the platform, do not panic and wait for a while because it can take close to 48 hours before the changes reflect across the Google platforms.
  • Payment Options Not Carried Over: When you create a new Google Pay account, the transfer of your payment options to your new account will not be automatic. You will have to enter your payment options again.


Google Pay doesn’t exactly provide an option to switch email addresses as such, but you can simply go about changing the email ID linked to your Google account if you’ve created an account with an email other than Gmail, or create a new account altogether. This quick guide helps you switch email IDs, ensuring that you consent to all initiated transactions from the updated email address and receive alerts at the new email.

Lastly, understand that there is an emphasis on the security aspect of a Google account while using Google Pay, therefore it is a requirement that email or account details are always current.

1. Can I directly change my email address in Google Pay?

Unfortunately, no, as Google Pay does not enable users to make such changes. You do have the option of creating another Google Pay account that has a different email address, or you can update the Google account tied to the Google Pay account with a new email address that does not use Gmail.

2. Will changing my Google account email address affect my transaction history in Google Pay?

The history of your transactions, payment methods, and contacts in Google Pay will not be affected by the change of the Google account email address as those details are tied to the Google Pay account. However, if you choose to open another Google Pay account you will lose all your former transaction history associated with your previous account.

3. How can I verify my new email address after updating it in Google Pay?

After making the email address changes in Google Pay or in your Google account, a verification email gets sent to your inbox. Search for the inbox for an OTP (One-Time Password) and enter it to authenticate the email switch. Once verified, all transaction alerts and notifications on Google Pay will be sent to your new email.

4. Is it possible to add a non-Gmail email to Google Pay?

Yes, linking a non-Gmail email with your Google account is an option made available to you on Google Pay. If you wish to utilize, for example, a Yahoo or an Outlook email address in conjunction with your Google account, you can verify email change without any restrictions, and the initiated change will reflect in Google Pay and all Google services.

5. What should I do if I lose access to my email associated with Google Pay?

When you happen to lose access to your Google Pay-associated email, then you can simply go to the settings of your Google Account and adjust or change the email there. In the case you cannot access your Google account, simply follow the Google Account Recovery process. Keeping your recovery number and email addresses updated is essential for easy recovery.

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